Friday, April 10, 2015

The Babywearer

In case you haven't heard of it, you should go check out  It is an awesome forum for all things babywearing!  I love the Wrapper's Paradise group.  Each month there is a thread tracking what you have worn that month.  I try to do this most months.  I love that it helps point out to me the wraps that just aren't getting any love.  Sometimes my heart is blinded by how beautiful a wrap is, when maybe it is just a terrible size for us or just not the right fit for us in wrapping qualities.  This monthly tracking has really helped me to make some hard cuts.  Sometimes I feel like I am turning into a wrap collector more than a babywearer.  And that is okay!  I will probably always be a wrap collector, but I don't want to collect 15+ wraps.  So I need to know what works for us and has really helped me out with this process.

The Babywearer site also has tons of geekery albums and tutorials.  It is great for the beginner and advanced wrapper.  The people I have met through babywearing both on and on facebook have been so sweet.  I have made some great friends through babywearing, who I believe will continue to be close friends even once the babywearing days come to a close.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Where does the time go?

Wow!  This past year has really flown by.  Between work and a super active toddler, I never seem to find any "me time" to write these days.  I still love babywearing, unfortunately, my toddler does not love it as much as me.  We still have some fun uppies, but they are no longer hour plus sessions.  She now only wants to go up for 10 to 15 minutes at a time, unless we are out hiking or on a long walk.

Sometimes we go a week or two without wearing and I get really bummed.  I start to look at my stash and wonder if I need to start selling it off.  I don't want to of course, but how long can you justify a 15+ wrap stash if you only wear for half an hour or so a week?  But then just as I am getting ready to bite the bullet and let go of several of my lovelies she will go through a phase where she wants to go up more often and I will decide to keep them!  Due to the complications of my first pregnancy, including pre-eclampsia and HELLP syndrome, my husband and I have decided that Zoey will be our only child.  So with no future squishes in my future, it is clear that my babywearing days are dwindling down.  For now, I choose to make the most of the ups she gives me!  I love my little princess and I love snuggling her in our beautiful woven wraps.

KHR Shades of Hope in FWCC

Kokoskaa Royal Quill Tacca in FWCC
Zatgebo Purple Kauai in Double Hammock

KHR Blue Steel in FWCC
Linuschka Lotus handwoven in FWCC

My ever evolving stash.  Starting in bottom right corner with Erna im Wunderland and continuing through to our current stash in the top left corner.

Current stash!
Lots of Pavos, a few handwovens, a couple Kokoskass, an Oscha, and a Firespiral

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