Friday, April 11, 2014

Getting Out of the Carry Rut

So let’s be honest, new moms are extremely busy people.  We find something that works for us and our schedule and we tend to do it over and over again, exactly the same way.  I have definitely fallen into this pattern.  This is great for some things, like the bath time routine and the bedtime routine, but it can get a bit boring for other things like which wrap carries I am going to use.  I am a full-time working mom, so I don’t get to wear Zoey nearly as much as I would like now.  I have found that my fastest front carry is a front wrap cross carry (FWCC) and fastest back carry is a ruck.  So these tend to be my go to carries.  They are also very comfortable for us and happen to work well for a lot of the size wraps that I have in my current stash, but this can get a bit boring.  So I wanted to challenge myself to use more carries and to learn new carries and not just rely on our old faithfuls.  Around the same time that I was coming to these conclusions about the carry rut I was in, I saw a post in a facebook group called 30 Days 30 Carries Wrap Challenge.  Again, let’s go ahead and be honest, this working mom is likely not going to manage to do all 30 carries in 30 days, but I decided to save the list and work through them all in my own time.  I was also able to persuade several members of my local babywearing group to take the challenge with me.  It’s always fun to see other moms trying out new carries and new wrap sizes as well!

Here’s the list of carries:

The first carry is one of my go to carries, but I still decided to start with it.  Here we are in our FWCC.  Daddy also likes this carry, so we have a picture of him in FWCC, too.

I thought I would share why we love this carry so much.  First of all, it is very quick to wrap her up in this carry.  I can pre-wrap a portion of this before I pick her up and that helps on days when she is in a particularly grumpy mood (we are going through teething, so those can be more often than I like to admit!)  It is somewhat versatile for our walks.  I typically start with the cross passes not spread over her body, but if we are out for a walk and it feels too cool out, I can spread these passes for another layer of warmth and support for her.  Also, if she falls asleep in this carry, I can spread the cross passes to support her head as she naps.  This is a great beginner carry to learn how to make a seat, to tighten your rails and build on for learning other carries.  It worked great for us when she was 2 months old and is still working great now that she is almost 9 months!

We will be working through the rest of this list over the next several weeks!  I’ll be back to share my progress!

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